"The emerging tech-backlash
is a story of pendulum swings"
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Techlash Research
- Research Questions:
1. When and why did the tech coverage shift?
2. How did tech companies respond to the rise of tech criticism? Which crisis communication strategies were utilized?
3. What can we learn about the more profound changes in the power relations between the tech media and the tech giants it covers?
- Research methods:
1. AI-Media monitoring, Big Data analytics – to identify the tech companies' peaks of coverage and evolving criticism.
2. Content analysis of the tech companies' crisis responses – to reveal their strategies.
3. In-depth interviews with actors on both sides of the story, leading tech journalists and tech PR professionals – to create a virtual panel of experts debating the broader meaning of the Techlash.
Book Excerpts
Expert interviews
- The full list of interviewees includes their positions at the time of the interview.
- Their observations throughout the book reflect their personal points of view and do not represent their organizations.
- Tech Journalism
The Atlantic - Alexis
Madrigal, Staff Writer
The Verge - Casey
Newton, Senior Editor & Silicon Valley Editor
BuzzMachine - Jeff
Jarvis, Blogger / Director, Tow-Knight Center
for Entrepreneurial Journalism, The Leonard Tow Professor of Journalism
Innovation, CUNY (The City University of New York)
BuzzFeed News - John
Paczkowski, Technology and Business Editor
Reuters News - Jonathan
Weber, Global Industry Editor for Technology
TechCrunch - Josh
Constine, Editor-At-Large
Recode - Kara
Swisher, Co-Founder, and Co-Executive Editor
New York Times - Kashmir
Technology Reporter
Techdirt - Mike
Masnick, Founder, and Editor in Chief
The Information - Nick
Wingfield, Senior Editor
CNET - Richard
Nieva, Senior Reporter
Wired - Scott
Thurm, Business Editor
Anonymized - Tech Editor
- Tech Public Relations
LaunchSquad - Brett
Weiner, Partner
WE Communications - Katie
Huang Shin, President of Technology Sector and Chief
Strategy Officer
Ruder Finn - Rowan
Benecke, Chief Growth Officer
Golin - Stephen Jones, Executive Vice President, Catalyst Community Leader
Anonymized - Senior PR executive
- "In this deeply researched work, Nirit Weiss-Blatt provides an invaluable record of tech media's mood swing as its portrayal of Silicon Valley lurches from utopian to dystopian. What's most surprising and insightful here is Weiss-Blatt's well-documented evidence that the shift from tech-love to techlash came with the election of Donald Trump, as journalists chose to blame internet companies for his rise rather than examine their own culpability. This is much more than a book about tech's PR problems. It is a trenchant analysis and indictment of the news industry's simplistic, binary worldview. Overall, the Techlash book restores nuance to the debate over technology and society."
- Jeff Jarvis, The Leonard Tow Professor of Journalism Innovation, CUNY. Author of "What Would Google Do?" "Public Parts," "Geeks Bearing Gifts," "Gutenberg the Geek," "The Gutenberg Parenthesis," and "The Web We Weave"
- "Nirit's in-depth study of tech media chronicles the reputational rise and fall of an entire industry while providing valuable insights to those who work in it. The book provides PR professionals, journalists, and students with a comprehensive analysis of the Techlash's core issues. Whether you're working in tech journalism or tech PR, the book will broaden your understanding of the media scrutiny, the tech clients and, thus, help you define the future correspondence between the two."
- Fred Cook, Chairman of Golin, Professor of Professional Practice, Director of the USC Center for Public Relations
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