Thursday, March 18, 2021

The #TechlashBook Chapters

An excerpt from the book’s intro:

The relationship between the tech giants and the media is not stable but rather a rollercoaster ride; you can be on the top of the world just to find yourself a moment later hurtling toward the ground. Not an enjoyable ride (though, reading about it in this book is, hopefully). The outline of the chapters takes us through this rocky journey.

The Pre-Techlash Era
Chapter 1 - Tech News and Tech Public Relations

The historical background depicts the power imbalance between the tech companies and the journalists who covered them.
The review starts in the late 1980s, moves to the early 1990s, addresses the late 1990s dot-com bubble, the early 2000s bubble burst, and the early 2010s.

Among the topics are
- the responsibilities of tech reporters
- the types of content in tech news
- the main players who cover tech (computer magazines, tech blogs, and traditional media)
- the influence of corporate PR
- tech companies’ limited access and infamous secrecy.

The Techlash Era
Chapter 2 - Big Tech Big Scandals

This chapter covers the roots of the Techlash. The pivotal year was 2017 as a result of various tech scandals, including
- foreign election meddling (revelations on Russian interference in the 2016 US election)
- fake news, misinformation/disinformation wars
- extremist content and hate speech
- data collection and protection, and privacy violations (following cyberattacks and data breaches)
- anti-diversity, sexual harassment, and discrimination.
Among the contributors to the formation of the Techlash are
- the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory, including the Cambridge Analytica “firestorm”
- Pack Journalism – Techlash agenda across all the news media
- the tech companies’ scale and bigness
- the political pushback – tech CEOs getting grilled.

Chapter 3 - Tech Crisis Communication
There are several crisis communication theories that can help explain the crisis responses to the Techlash. Among them are corporate apologia, image repair theory, and situational crisis communication theory. Together they set the stage for the research findings. How did the tech companies respond to their scandals?

In a nutshell, although there were different tech companies and various negative stories, their responses were very much alike. The analysis identified the repetition of specific messages in the companies’ attempts to reduce responsibility.

The tech companies were criticized for their responses, including the pseudo-apologies or their victimization. The critics claimed that tech companies need to stop blaming others. The bigger question is around the role of humanity versus technology.

Chapter 4 - Evolving Techlash Issues

The chapter discusses the Techlash effect on the tech companies, the evolving issues they needed to manage (and still do). Those issues include
- the deteriorated trust
- tech regulation
- rise in tech investigative reporting
- tech conferences and interviews with tech CEOs
- tech workers’ activism
- the overall shift in culture from techno-optimism to techno-pessimism
- But also the growth in usage and business as (despite the Techlash) they are financially thriving.

The Post-Techlash Era
Chapter 5 - Never-ending Criticism?
As COVID-19 hit the United States, there was a short “second Honeymoon” phase, full of gratitude for the technological inventions which help us cope with the outbreak. But then, very quickly, the Techlash issues resurfaced.
Should tech companies acclimate to constant media scrutiny? And given that attacking Big Tech became a bipartisan practice, from a growing number of media outlets and all political sides?

The prediction is that moving forward, we could expect even more investigations around the core of the Techlash, such as content moderation, ad transparency, misinformation, algorithmic accountability, data rights, and antitrust. The Techlash as we know it – is probably here to stay.


Final note:
The “pre-Techlash/Techlash/post-Techlash” sections help to organize the story, but there isn’t a strict dichotomy between them. While reading, you will find a more complex depiction, as the pendulum swung from one side to the other more than once or twice.

“Jeff Bezos used to tell me, ‘Today’s poster boys, tomorrow’s piƱata.’ You’re not as good as they say; you’re not as bad as they say. Just find the middle ground,” said Brian Chesky, Airbnb CEO. The book will present the difficulty of reaching such middle ground, as the pendulum is drawn to both extremes.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Techdirt Podcast – How The Techlash Happened


Techdirt podcast episode 273 SoundCloud | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher


Thank you, Mike Masnick, for having me on your Techdirt podcast. I appreciate our discussion - it was fun!

Here are most of the quotes, slightly edited for clarity. Thank you, OtterAI, for the quick and accurate transcription.


Techdirt podcast How the Techlash happened

Mike: What made you decide to focus on the Techlash?

It wasn't my initial research proposal when I pitched to USC. Actually, that wasn't the idea. The idea was to research the non-investigative nature of the coverage and the influence of corporate PR, and how promotive is the narrative; actually, the idea was to criticize the tech media for not being tough enough, but that was before the Techlash. Then, the world changed. And like any good startup, I needed to pivot. So, I changed my research altogether, theory and methods, and dived into the Techlash.


Mike: Why did the coverage change, and how?

My research goes back to the early 2000s, when I've done my Ph.D. in communication. I studied the tech media, and back then, we were in what I call the product journalism or innovation journalism phase, where it was 'the glorious days.' I documented the rise of tech blogs and how it changed the tech coverage. We had the 'cult of personality,' and all the tech CEOs and founders are geniuses, and their innovations are good for society. And everything is new is exciting. And I documented that. On that basis, I pitched the new research. But then, 2017 happened.

I'm a big data analytics kind of girl, and I was looking at the big companies and their yearly timeline. So, I'm looking at the peaks of coverage, the big stories that got the most number of articles and posts. In regular (what I call) a pre-Techlash year, those peaks were mainly positive and product launches, we have a new product, or business reporting, like IPOs, and M&As. But in 2017, all of my peaks of coverage in the data were negative. They were tech scandals. So, the data forced me to expand my analysis to what's going on, how did we get here, the roots of the change, and also how the companies reacted. Then, I added to all of the big data analytics the content analysis of how the media is covering this narrative and how the companies react. On top of that, I've done all the interviews with tech experts like yourself, don't be modest, and then, I got the real 'inside story' of the Techlash and 'how did we get here?'

And 'how did we get here?' is a great question because there's a short answer, and there is this long explanation. The short answer is Donald Trump's victory in November 2016. Right about then, we have the media, digging all the widespread misinformation, disinformation, fake news phenomenon, and of course, blaming the tech platforms for the widespread. We had the Brexit referendum before that, and there was this buildup. But I've been told again and again that I won't find a more pivotal moment than the post-presidential election reckoning in the tech industry by both the tech journalists and the tech workers, figuring out their influence and their power and how they may help that happen. That's the short answer.

The longer explanation is that it's much more complicated than that. We had various issues at once. It was the accumulation of very different things, like time bombs that detonated at once, that formed this Techlash. 2017 was this turning point, the year that we had so many scandals and so many issues that it 'broke the camel's back' and made everybody more critical of the tech industry.


Mike: What is the target audience for the book?

It's a great question. It's an academic book, but I've done my best to make it more simple in a way that both tech journalists, tech PR professionals, and tech workers in tech companies and tech geeks actually can read it and enjoy the story. Because I'm taking the reader through this journey from the 80s, we had computer magazines and glorious days there. And I'm showing the interplay between major groups of the tech journalist and the tech giants, how that evolved. It's actually an interesting story, not just for scholars. So, the book is academic for researchers and students. But yeah, it's a good story for anyone interested in how the tech industry is being covered by the media because the story is the media's narrative of the Techlash.


The overarching narrative

What I tried to do is put all versions of the story. On the one side, I have Kara Swisher, who is, of course, the listeners know, leading the Techlash, and she had her things to say in the book. On the other side, I put people like Jeff Jarvis saying, 'moral panic!'. So, I'm putting them one next to each other, like this virtual panel where they're fighting and debating, which I hope makes the book interesting.

The book always moves from 'the media is overcorrecting the past and throwing the baby with the bathwater and went to the extreme; The pendulum swung too far in the negative direction' -versus- the ones who say, 'the ones who say that (claims) don't understand journalism at all, because that's journalism role - to hold power to account, speak truth to power. We're just doing our job. We have no patience for those accusations because we're just doing great journalism here.' So, throughout the book, it's the fight.

Because we have all the nuances in the book, it seems to me that both tech critics and advocates can find their favorite quotes in the book.


The Techlash coverage

I've been through this journey myself, writing the book, that I was on the side that, again, we in academia were yelling at the tech media to be tougher and doing good journalism, which is investigative journalism. So, I was on the side that celebrated the Techlash, saying, 'Oh, finally, that is happening. And that's great journalism.' But doing all the content analysis for the book, and I went through 1,000s of articles, something shifted in my point of view, I may say, during the pandemic.

Writing the book in the pandemic really made it stronger because one occasion that I think that really blew my mind was 'the evil list.' Remember that? That was a cover story in Slate Magazine, January 2020. The magazine asked, 'which tech companies are really doing the most harm?' ranking the 30 most dangerous, harmful, evil companies in the world. In there, of course, Twitter and Facebook and Amazon and Apple and Microsoft, everybody. They were ranked in the top 10, but the number one evil company was Amazon. Two months after this article, while I was writing the book, millions of people relied on this 'number one evil company' to deliver essentials along nonessentials to their front door during this shitty pandemic.

So, that was one thing. The other thing is that, regarding Twitter, they needed to specify the reason why each company is so evil, so they chose Jack Dorsey's idea to decentralized Twitter. I was like, 'that's an odd choice.' I mean, tech experts like yourself believe the opposite. That the non-commercial, open-source, open standards federation of real-time protocols - like 'protocols, not platforms' that our listeners know - it's actually good, the solution, not the problem. It's maybe the fixer. The article choosing that as the reason Jack Dorsey is evil was like, 'okay, so we can't have a good conversation here if every suggestion is labeled as 'evil.'


Tech Crisis Communication

That brings us to their crisis communication, which I analyzed in-depth. What I've done is I looked at all their big scandals and how they reacted. It's their press releases and spokesperson statements to journalists. The interesting thing is that I had different crises and a variety of companies. And yet, the PR responses were very much alike. They all use the same playbook. In the book, I call it 'The tech PR template for crises,' that they were rolling again and again and again. And actually, it backlashed as well because they basically tried to reduce the responsibility in those crisis responses, which is what crisis communication does, like how you are supposed to do it.

So, they've done what their consultants told them to do: we've built something good, we had good intentions, we had previous good deeds, we had a great policy. So, they put all the information they have to write, and then there's this victim-villain framing that 'our product was manipulated/misused by bad malicious actors.' And that makes sense, but when you look at the literature, it's scapegoating, blaming others, and it's the victimization, 'we are a victim of the crisis.' Those are things that, when it happens once or twice, you can use, but when it happens ten times a week  - that's a different story. So, the media received those messages and then said, 'Okay, this is BS; we can't receive those messages again and again and again.' 

Of course, we also had their 'apology tours,' but I'm calling them in the book pseudo apologies. Many responses said that 'we apologize,' 'deeply regret,' 'ask for forgiveness,' but they were intertwined with all the other elements that I identified - that reduce the responsibility, all the excuses and victimization and scapegoating. If you're so suffering as an unfair victim, your 'asking for forgiveness' is not real.

Their messages were just repeating themselves. I've documented the copy-paste. One sentence is, 'we need to do better.' Tech reporters have heard this combination like a million times by now: 'While we've made steady progress, we have much more work to do. And we know we need to do better.' It's the ending of every press release from the past four years, so I was putting it out there, as 'we know that you're getting the same message again and again.' It is something that I hoped to do in this book, showing the template.

When they were proactive, saying, 'those are the steps we are doing to fix this. And looking forward, those are the steps for improvement, minimizing the chances that it will happen again,' something you have to do in crisis communication - it also backlashed. Because all the critics said, 'it's not enough,' and you 'ignore the system.' It was just this never-ending cycle of criticism, no matter what they put out there as a response.


Mike: Is there's a better approach that they could have taken?

One thing that I think we should mention is a sentence that you said in your interview that 'well, of course, it's their messaging because they're being asked to stop big, difficult societal problems. And that's an impossible request.' So, on their side, maybe you don't need to play the victim here, but just specify, explain and educate the nuances, the complexity of the problems because people would appreciate this knowledge. But they're viewed as black boxes producing black boxes; we don't know anything about what's happened there inside. Then, it's easy to depict it as evil. But if you open up and say, those are the trade-offs of why we're doing what we're doing, and really explain it, I think that would be very helpful for them.


Mike: I can see why the reality of how people will respond to that makes that really difficult as well.

The thing is that, again, putting Kara Swisher as the spokesperson for the Techlash, she will tell you, as all Spider-Man fans know, 'with great power comes great responsibility.' So, every time they try, even just a little bit, in the tech journalists' minds, to reduce their responsibility, of course, you're going to get criticism for that. And then, PR can't fix it.


Mike: When the companies put out these responses, do you think that they are doing that mainly as a crisis communications response, or are there cases where they legitimately internally believe that they need to fix things and do better, or it's a combination of the two?

I have several examples of both. I think that a good example of how the system is working is Uber. Because 2017 has been a scandalous year for Uber. I had in my database several tech scandals a month to analyze (in the data). There was a peak, and I needed to specify which one of the ten scandals this month is the one that caused this peak. In February, for example, we had Susan Fowler and her allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination. It was then snowballed to other things in Silicon Valley and the tech industry as a whole. It was before the #MeToo movement. And you know what? Uber fixed its culture. It's done a lot of work, fired people, changed the CEO. And things have changed in the long run; they had long work there, of 'we know we need to do better,' and they've done better.

Travis was portrayed as this douchebag. I'm pretty certain that this guy created the culture, right? But you bring this more adult, responsible person, who speaks about fixing things and actually fix them, then you gain respect, and the brand's reputation was improved.


The media side

In the debate, the PR people will tell them how to do their job better, which is to consider if this scandal is a true scandal, if the harm is real harm, if the concerns are real concerns, and maybe you're exaggerating. And when you're exaggerating, people can be tone-deaf and just say, it's wolf-wolf-wolf, and I'm not listening. So, maybe narrow it down a bit. On the PR side, there's a lot of criticism of how tech companies operate. So, I think everybody can learn from what I'm documenting there.

One of the things that I've been through in this process of writing the book is that the theme is pendulum swings. I'm showing how throughout history, we went from one extreme to the other. What I got to realize is that we are drawn to those extremes, but the reality is somewhere in the middle. But we don't get this middle ground, and we won't because we are in the extreme. So, my last paragraph in the book is just hoping for a future middle ground. 

You see, throughout history, and again, going through all the rise of computer magazines and the 'cult of personality,' all those geniuses and Marc Andreessen as 'the golden geek' on the cover on the throne, they were gods. And now, we don't want them on the throne, and we don't want them to decide anything. And neither is accurate.


Mike: It's funny because you mentioned Marc Andreessen on the cover sitting on the throne. Now, there's been a couple of articles about how he's blocking journalists. Journalists built him up, and now he's upset that they've been pushing back. I find it interesting to see that contrast and how the tech world itself feels about the media coverage.

I think that one thing that plays a role here is the bigness. Because when they were small startups, and they didn't have the impact they have today on the world, it wasn't such a big deal. The stories we have today, the big societal problems, are because of how big (they are) and their scale. You couldn't anticipate the unintended consequences that all the companies are dealing with now, as it came to bite them now. But also, if you ask the journalists, they will tell you, 'it's a profound lack of foresight. They were blind, with all their optimism. We, the journalists, were raising the alarm; we were alarmists, we said, those are problems that you need to deal with, and they didn't. So, it's the companies' fault for not listening to us.'


Mike: There are all these examples of basically government failures, failures around social safety nets, or mental health or criminal justice that are now playing out on social media, and then the tech companies are getting blamed for it.

It always comes down to the humanity versus technology debate, which is more philosophical. I think what the companies are trying to say is, 'this is humanity, people doing bad and good things. Mark Zuckerberg says that a lot; I'm calling it the 'amplification narrative': 'we want to amplify the good and mitigate the bad.' Also, Sundar Pichai had a great quote in the book saying, 'we are over-reliant on technology as a way to solve everything in humanity. And at this moment, over-indexing on technology as the source of all human problems, too.'

I guess that what Sundar said touches the point of the book, saying, 'yes, there are real concerns, real problems, real harm, and damaging things the companies have done. Period. It's factual. But blaming them for the bigger societal problems and hoping they will fix them is naive because they can't; We want them to fix everything's bad about humanity because they're so big, so maybe they can, but they cannot. We have other social entities that need to be in play here, the political field, we in academia, and all the other entities should figure out solutions together.


Mike: But many of these companies launched and grew with the theme and marketing that they were there to solve societal problems. So, maybe it is a little rich for them to go back and say, 'well, we're wiping our hands; this is a societal problem.'

On the one hand, yeah, 'we want to make the world a better place,' and 'we are your savior.' Then, in the Techlash, there are our threats. And the journalists say, 'the problems are of their own making. They brought billions of people to being connected online, and now you see what happened. They are amplifying those dark corners of humanity. So, it's on them.' But it's difficult. It's more nuanced than that.


Mike: I certainly appreciate that in the book, you highlight all these different viewpoints and all these different sides.

It's what I hoped to do in this very long debate in the book. But we have contradictory arguments about everything, about the problems and the resolutions. So, I didn't make it up; it's just there.

Even looking at content moderation (you're dealing with that a lot on your show and blog), handling speech, we can't even agree on what the 'right thing' is or how it looks like. And when you can't agree on the solutions, it's complicated. This is why I'm glad it's my research project, not a boring day, and everything is like a roller coaster; everybody's pushing in other directions.


Mike: Was there anything that you expected to include in the book and didn't or that you didn't expect to include in the book did at the end, but that took you by surprise?

The pandemic took all of us by surprise. I wrote most of the analysis, and the interviews were prior to the pandemic. I interviewed you and all the others mainly in February, so really close to when the outbreak started. Looking back at those quotes in the pandemic was this huge reckoning for me. Then I added, just before it went to production, this chapter, 'the Techlash's shortest pause - COVID-19 and tech deserves a second honeymoon phase.'

I'm describing this very, very, very short period of a few weeks of real gratitude for big tech companies and how their inventions help us. But then, it was way better and way worse at the same time: we all were glad we could use the products, and we're very thankful for their existence, but at the same time, we realized their immense power. Then, all the other Techlash issues resurfaced very quickly. So, the Coronavirus did not kill the Techlash. The narrative survived the virus, and it's here to stay. It was interesting to see another small pendulum swing during the pandemic while I wrote the book. We went back from 'saviors' to 'threats,' and those swings always end up in the 'threat to society' section.


Mike: Is there a point at which the pendulum might swing back in the other direction?

No. Because when you do investigative journalism, you find harm, and you have a real impact in the world that does 'make the world a better place' because you highlight those things. And the companies do spend more time thinking about the unintended consequences and putting safeguards. So, for journalists, it's the system working: 'we're actually doing what we should.' So, they're not going back to being cheerleaders. Of course not. That's not coming back. And that's good. We need the media to do that.

The only thing is that if the 'tech is ruining everything' narrative is here to stay, and the exaggeration is backlashed in the industry, it's not really helpful. You should do your investigative work, of course. But saying, 'Jack Dorsey is evil because he's thinking about decentralized internet,' that's like, 'too much.'


Mike: There's always going to be some sort of backlash against the biggest companies. I can't think of a big company that is universally loved; most are generally hated in part because of their bigness.

Yes, the big tech companies are the most backlashed. Social media is the sector that is getting the most backlash. And, of course, Facebook is the most backlashed company; we can agree on that. I think that if you're a cool new startup, something new that sounds not harmful at the start, you will be covered as good. We still have those 'look at this new cool thing' when those are things coming from small companies. Because you want to encourage innovation, you do not want to stop all innovation. It's those big companies that are under fire because of their bigness. That's one thing.

The other thing is that everything became so politicized. I think those companies are dealing with political issues that are not going to leave them alone. But if you're doing an autonomous car, at first, we're going to say that it could be cool, then, we'll say it's scary, and it can kill people, of course, it goes through those cycles. But then, it will be this new thing that we want to explore because it's new. So, you still have those specific things that are dealt with differently in the media. We still have product launches and 'hands-on' reviews about the new iPhone. What I'm saying is the balance of the topics and the framing is different from the past.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

TWiG Podcast – How Tech Journalism Changed Since 2016

This Week in Google (TWiG) episode 601 – TWiT | YouTubePodcast Guru

Thank you, Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, and Ant Pruitt, for having me on your "This Week in Google" podcast. I appreciate our discussion - it was fun!
Here are some of my quotes, which tell the story of the Techlash research. The conversation was more than two hours, so those are just a few snippets (slightly edited for clarity). Thank you, Otter.AI, for the quick and accurate transcription.

 TWiG This Week in Google episode 601 Nirit Weiss-Blatt

What is the Techlash?

The techlash is a summary of the past few years where we have this really strong and widespread negative reaction to the growing power and influence of big tech companies, specifically the large companies here in Silicon Valley. We have specific sectors that are more backlashed, like social media, and companies that are more backlashed, like Facebook, as you can guess. But it's basically being much more critical to the tech industry than before.

The evolution of tech journalism

It changed a lot. The book has this chapter, pre-Techlash era, which starts from the 80s until now, to show the difference in the power relations between the tech giants and the media and the PR practices and how tech journalists used to work. And also, of course, the state of mind that was more utopian and dystopian. Then, the Techlash era is the roots of the change and the characteristics of the coverage.

Leo: When did the honeymoon end? Nirit: November 2016. Leo: You have a date. Wow. Really, November 2016? I have to check my calendar. What happened in November 2016? Nirit: Donald Trump became the president.
Leo: How would that affect our coverage of technology as tech press?
Nirit: So first, let's say that technology has become much more politicized. But we put that aside. The tech people, whether they were journalists or workers in the companies, were all in the state of reckoning with their influence and asking, 'how did we get here?' Everybody started to blame the tech platforms for the widespread misinformation. And then, it all became more critical.

Pre-techlash: Innovation Journalism / Product Journalism

I'm a big data analytics kind of girl. So, I looked at the companies and their peaks during the year. I analyzed those peaks of coverage, like the main, the biggest stories they had during the years. In what I call 'the pre-Techlash,' most of them were 'Innovation Journalism' or 'Product Journalism.' And by that, I mean product launches, either software or hardware. And a lot of business reporting. So, of course, all the IPOs and M&As. That was the normal, big headline in the tech news.

2017: The year of the turning-point

But when I analyzed 2017, most peaks were negative—tech scandals. Most of them were like, fake news after the Las Vegas shooting, which involved Twitter, Google, and Facebook. And we had the Russian interference and all the investigation starting in Congress. All those headlines were not there before.
We had investigations and fines and privacy issues; all of them were in the tech coverage, all the years, all the time. But they were less visible because there was less coverage of those issues. The shift that I'm showing in the book is that since 2017, those are the salient, the major stories in the tech coverage.

Pendulum swings

The theme of the book is pendulum swings, and I'm showing how in the pre-Techlash era, we had several of them. Think about the positive coverage in the Dot-Com Bubble. And then, how was the coverage was after the burst. I mean, the tech CEOs were God, and then they became a dog. So, we had that before. But what I'm showing, since the Techlash and up, is that even with the pandemic and we had this very short 'second honeymoon' full of gratitude … it was so short, and all the Techlash subjects and issues resurface again very quickly. So actually, the Techlash is here to stay. We went from one extreme to the other. But this extreme is here. We are not going back to the other side.

Research methods

I collected the tech coverage of the big tech companies from both traditional media and tech blogs. Then, I mapped their yearly timeline. After that, I looked at each big story and analyzed their response. I took the press releases and spokesperson's statements to journalists and everything that I could use about how they reacted to everything that was happening. And how then, those responses backlashed as well, because I'm also showing the coverage of how the journalists looked at those responses and said, it's BS. So, it's this back and forth between how the tech companies present the stories and how the media does it.

The companies' infamous secrecy & limited access / The rise of tech investigative reporting

There are power relations between the two groups. When we were in the phase of 'Innovation Journalism,' and everything is shiny and cool, and innovations are basically good for society, then the tech companies had this power. We all know about their infamous secrecy and limited access. The tech journalists just wanted to be closer to God. That's made some of the tension that we have today. Then, when it moved to 'tech is negative and ruining society' phase, tech companies are more defensive, and they need to react to their new scandal of the week. The tech journalist saw that when they dig up and find more harm, they have a real impact on the world. It's actually good journalism, and more journalists joined the effort.

Is the media pro-conflict?

I totally agree that if there is any bias in the media, is that it's pro-conflict. This is why we have articles such as 'The evil list,' listing the 30 most dangerous, evil companies in tech because that's the headline to put on such a story.

The tech companies' responses

What I found is that they usually put out the same playbook, what I call the 'Tech PR template for crises.' They always make the same responses. And one of the book's messages, I think, is that it's, of course, not enough because I documented that it backlashed heavily. So, how should they react? It's a brilliant question. We look at tech companies as black boxes producing black boxes. So yes, transparency, and they need to educate more about the complexity or nuances of the issues they're dealing with. It is also showing the humanity inside. When we see all the wars between them, it's also that they need to be more united. The problems that they're dealing with, it's the whole sector that is dealing with. And if they won't deal with them together, there's gonna be more damage.
The thing is that there's a 'no-win' here because they're doing what 'crisis communication 101' tells them to do. They're specifying what they've done, the good intention that they build something good, and they have previous good deeds (which they always specify) and great policies in place. But 'our product or platform was manipulated and misused by bad malicious actors.' We always have this 'victim-villain framing' of 'we were good' versus 'the outside malicious entities.'


I think we should take a step back. The whole Techlash thing started because micro-targeting became this evil force, the source of evil in the world. It was because of things like Russian interference. So back then, everybody looked at micro-targeting as the worst thing on the internet. But now we have Facebook, changing the conversations showing, okay, if we don't have targeted ads, how are small businesses going to reach their audience? So, you see Facebook going out with other messages, trying at least to change the framing of it's not that evil; it's actually very helpful, specifically in the pandemic where small companies are hurt.
But when the media is attacking the actual fundamentals of your business, like the business model you have, PR can't fix it. PR can't help because you're not going to change the fundamentals of your business. You don't have any incentive to do so. So, no matter what messaging you go out with, it's not gonna help.

Hold power to account

One of the reasons we have the Techlash is because of the big tech companies' bigness - they're so big and have such huge scale. So, they're at a place of getting scrutiny, if nothing else is, because of how big and powerful they are. And it's not like they're getting less powerful or less big. The focus on them is because of their growing power. That's the tech journalist saying, 'we need to hold power to account and speak truth to power. And it's exactly why we're doing it now. And not when they were this small startup in a garage.'

Tech journalists vs. tech bloggers

The book touches on the difference between tech bloggers and tech journalists a lot. Even though I get criticism for doing that. I'm showing why I'm keeping the divide between tech journalists, tech bloggers in some cases.
The way I'm looking at it is, as a communication researcher, is through the lens of 'agenda-setting.' When I'm looking at the agenda, when it comes to product launches, the first row when we had live events, those were the tech bloggers, because you wanted them to do the 'hands-on' reviews. So, they were the agenda-setters when it came to new products. But when it comes to the Congress investigation of the Russian interference, it will be the New York Times, the Washington Post, and all the traditional media outlets that have tech coverage. And they have different ethical frameworks to work with because the subjects' importance is different, their impact is different.

Tech journalists vs. the companies' PR efforts

Tech journalists reflected on their relationship with tech PR, the other side. Back then, in the glorious days, we had computer magazines, and we had press releases and conferences, and they mainly dictated the coverage. Most of it was promotional (from those press releases and what they wanted to present.) Everybody wanted more tech information because tech became more integrated into everything in our lives. Then, what happened in the power shift here is that the companies became more secretive with limited access. They can choose which journalists they invite for conversation and whether it's "on background" or not. Then, the journalists complained, well, if you speak critically, you're just not entering the door; you can go there; they won't invite you to anything. That was a lot of frustration that had been building up for years. And now, they're glad that they can be both critical and have an interview. But then what happens when it's not "on background," and you're inside, the CEO just gives you PR talking points, and he is not really saying anything that he didn't want to reveal anyway.

More on the roots of the change in coverage

The book specifies that it's not only the reckoning from Trump's election or the companies' bigness that I mentioned; it's the accumulation of many issues at once that created the Techlash. It was also data breaches and sexual harassment, and discrimination. We had a lot of issues happening.

Tech CEOs

Most of it was on the shoulders of the founders and CEOs. The 'cult of personality' was mainly about those geniuses doing those innovations and 'make the world a better place.' That was the narrative all the years. Now, I would say that the tech journalists, when they look at those tech CEOs, they want to take them down from those thrones because we don't want them to be on the throne and deciding everything.

Gartner Hype Cycle

One cycle that I think analyzes the things you said now is the Gartner cycle, where they're talking about the 'Trough of disillusionment.' That first, you are really enthusiastic about something ('peaks of inflated expectations'), and then 'oh, no, look at all the unintended consequences and how it's bad.' And then, after the up and down, it gets to a middle ground ('plateau of productivity') that 'Yeah, we handle it now. And we use it and forget about it.' Different technologies go through this cycle. I think social media now is in the 'Oh, no, what it does to society' phase.

Lastly, two other things just made my day:
Dear TWiT created this shorter version for YouTube - What is the TechLash?

TWiG What is the Techlash Nirit Weiss-Blatt

And RoomRater rated my "hostage video" background as 3/10 :-)

TWiG Nirit Weiss-Blatt Room Rater